The Public Health Nurse provides students with mandated vision and scoliosis screenings. The Sidney City and County schools provide the student’s green health record with the school nurse completing and updating the record, and assist in kindergarten registration and assessment activities. Several schools contract for specific clinic hours staffed by the PHN. Health education in the classroom is completed by the PHN with topic such as Puberty/body changes, communicable diseases, and health related topics. Health Fairs for the staff is available upon request.
Additional services include: communicable disease checks and follow up, vision screening and referral, multifactored evaluation screenings, involvement on school wellness teams, student and staff health fairs, health education classes (dental care, handwashing, hygiene, puberty, growth and development, abstinence) and in-service trainings for staff.
Daily Clinics are provided at Anna, Ft. Loramie, and Hardin-Houston schools, daily visits to students in the multi-handicap units (g-tube feedings, medications, suctioning, catheterizations) and services to diabetic and asthmatic students.
School Forms for Physicians, Teachers, and Parents
* What are Head Lice?
* Asthma Action Plan Form
* Common Childhood Diseases Booklet
* Release Form for Treatment
* Seizures Information
* Vision Referral Form
* Student Health Questionnaire
* Physician’s Request for the Administration of Medication by School Personnel
* Immunization Exemption Form
* Allergy/Anaphylaxis Form